AWS SAA-C03 - Storage

Posted by monikma, 05 March 2024.
Architecture AWS Cloud
Preparation for certification

Those are the notes I took during the Cloud Guru AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) course. Note that the course content changes as the AWS changes. The notes are from March-May 2024.

This section is about AWS Storage and AWS Databases.

Table of contents

S3 object < 5 TB min 3 AZ Bucket Policy ACL List 12-48 h, 7-10 years for Deep Archive Compliance/Governance Object Lock Legal Hold Glacier Vault Lock Replication Lifecycle Management strong read after write consistency SSE-S3, KMS, or SSE-C at rest x-amz-server-side-encryption Multipart upload S3 Byte-Range Fetches S3 Pre-signed URL with sharer's security credentials private objects limited time pre-signed cookies for many files AWS Athena Elastic Block Store (EBS) replicated within 1 AZ same AZ as EC2 deleted on Termination by default Throughput optimized HDD (st1) (big data) Provisioned IOPS (io2) General Purpose SSD (gp3) Cold HDD (SC1) incremental Snapshots End to end encryption, AES-256 Elastic File Service (EFS) central Network File System (NFS) only Linux multiple AZ mount target in VPC & subnet Lifecycle Management read after write consistency Lifecycle Management General Purpose Max/IO (big data) encryption at rest with KMS default backup and encrypted FSx central Windows or Lustre built on Windows File Server Windows Server Message Block (SMB) encryption with KMS AD users Lustre High Performance Computing, ML RDS multi AZ support for failover read replicas OLTP processing automated backups max 40 instances Aurora min 3 AZ max 5 replicas, Aurora 15 Aurora snapshots Aurora self healing Aurora Serverless scale only up storage auto scaling Aurora Serverless on-demand per second billing Aurora Capacity Unit (ACU), 2 GB mem min&max ACUs storage 10 GB-128 TB AWS-managed warm pools, shared infra multi tenant apps capacity planning unpredictable spikes dev&test envs DynamoDB 3 geographically different DCs on SSD eventually/strongly consistent reads transactional reads/writes transactions <100 items <4MB volume Global Tables encryption at rest with KMS BatchWriteItem on-demand backup PITR 5 mins - 35 days DynamoDB Streams DAX in VPC DAX pay per request provisioned capacity/on-demand change twice / 24j 4KB RCU 1KB WCU 1 consistent ops/s or 2 eventually consistent Capacity Calculator DocumentDB MongoDB AWS Migration Service on-premise Mongo Keyspaces Cassandra Big Data Neptune graph DB ad targeting QLDB ledger DB cryptographically verifiable blockchain, tracking Timestream time-series DB <trillions events per day RedShift Based on PostgreSQL OLAP workloads <16 PB data Columnar, parallel queries <=2 AZ Incremental backups to S3 RedShift spectrum enhanced VPC routing Snapshots, restoration to other regions favor large batch inserts

Simple Storage Service (S3)

S3 Pre-signed URLs

Static website on S3

S3 Versioning

How to make a bucket public

  1. you can enable this option on both the bucket and the object (option 1)
    • uncheck “block public access” (that is done by a policy)
    • pick “ACLs enabled” in Object Ownership tab
    • bucket actions -> “make public using ACL”
  2. or you can enable it for the whole bucket: permissions -> bucket policy (option 2)
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
         "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Principal": "*",
         "Action": [
         "Resource": [

S3 Storage Classes

Storage Class Availiabi. Durabi. AZs Use Case
S3 Standard 99.99% 11 9s >=3 Most, websites, mobile&gaming apps, big data analytics
S3 S. Infrequent Access 99.99% 11 9s >=3 Long term, infrequently accessed critical data (backups, disaster recovery)
S3 One-Zone Infrequent Access 99.95% 11 9s 1 Long term, infrequently accessed non-critical data
S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval 99.99% 11 9s >=3 Long term, very infrequently accessed, but quick retrieval
S3 Glacier (aka Glacier Flexible Retrieval) 99.99% 11 9s >=3 Like Glacier Instant R., slower but cheaper retrieval, up to 12h, e.g. backups
S3 G. Deep Archive 99.99% 11 9s >=3 Rarely accessed, e.g. regulatory, retrieval from 12h
S3 Intelligent Tiering 99.99% 11 9s >=3 Unpredictable access patterns

S3 Lifecycle Management

WORM storage model

S3 Securing

S3 Encryption

S3 Performance

S3 Replication (backup)

AWS Athena #serverless

Elastic Block Store (EBS)

IOPS vs Throughput

EBS Types

EBS Volumes & Snapshots

EBS Encryption

Elastic File Service (EFS)

EFS Lab: replace EBSs with single EFS




Provisioning RDS

Scaling RDS

Amazon Aurora

Aurora Serverless #serverless

DynamoDB #serverless

DynamoDB DAX

DynamoDB Security

DynamoDB Transactions

DynamoDB Backups

DynamoDB Streams

DynamoDB Global tables

Scaling DynamoDB


Amazon Keyspaces #serverless

Amazon Neptune

QLDB (Amazon Quantuum Ledger Database)

Amazon Timestream


