AWS SAA-C03 - Decoupling and Serverless

Posted by monikma, 10 May 2024.
Architecture AWS Cloud
Preparation for certification

Those are the notes I took during the Cloud Guru AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) course. Note that the course content changes as the AWS changes. The notes are from March-May 2024.

This section is about everything AWS that has to do with decoupling and serverless: SQS, SNS, API Gateway, Lambda, and so on.

Table of contents

Loose coupling ELB is loose coupling AWS SQS delivery delay, 0 (default) - 15 mins 257 KB message size encryption in transit by default encryption at rest, Server Side Encryption (SSE-SQS) message retention, default 4 days, 1 min - 14 days short pooling (default), separate connection long pooling visibility timeout 30 sec max receives before DLQ, default 10 DLQ depth alarm FIFO SQS in order no duplicates deduplication interval 300 transactions / sec FIFO HIgh Throughput 9000 messages/sec batching x10 deduplication scope with message group id SNS message size 256 KB FIFO topics FIFO deduplication encryption in transit by default encrypted at rest with AWS KMS resource policies for cross account Large Message Payload, <2 GB on S3 SNS Fanout JSON filter policy active tracing, with X-Ray retry policy only for HTTP/s AWS Gateway serverless versioning REST API HTTP API WebSocket API Edge-optimized Regional Private (VPC Endpoint) Custom TLS via AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) IAM Roles AWS Cognito don't pipe big S3 via API-G default Lambda integration timeout 29 sec stages AWS Batch Batch Compute workloads automatic workload distribution EC2 ECS/Fargate recommended Job Job Definition Job Queue Compute Environment ECS <16 CPU, <20 GB mem (AWS) managed unmanaged managed only specify networking, can mix in Spot EC2 instances alternative to AWS Lambda Docker compatible Amazon MQ migration of existing broker JMS AMQP MQTT OpenWire Stomp highly available Apache Active MQ, with 1 instance and standby RabbitMQ, with cluster deployment, 3 broker nodes across AZs one-to-one one-to-many Amazon MQ requires private networking Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Step Functions orchestration state machine state Pass Choice Task Wait Succeed Fail Parallel Map workflow execution Standard workflow, no duplicates, <1 year, <2000 per second, billed by transition, auditable history Express workflow, can have duplicates, <5 minutes, billed for executions and resources, IoT, high rate Lambda 1000k requests free Tier pay per request memory <10 GB IAM Role in VPC or not <1000 concurrent exeutions 512MB - 10GB disc storage EFS integration (in VPC) <4KB for env variables 128-10GB mem <15 min execution <50MB deployment compressed <250MB deployment uncompressed <6 MB payload streamed responses <20 MB Lambda Layers Lambda Applications Containers code with all dependencies Docker file Image Docker registry Container - running image Fargate serverless runS Docker containers in ECS or EKS isolated environment per container pricing by resources and time integrates with EFS may be more expensive than EC2 Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) managing Docker containers <1000 containers EC2 and Fargate can't pick VPC with Fargate Task Definition Task Role, for the app Task Exeution Role, for the container launch service or task Amazon EventBridge =CloudWatch Events event rules event bus (router) pattern trigger scheduled trigger cross account near real time DLQ for unprocessed events Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Docker OCI images per region ECR public lifecycle policies image vulnerability scanning cache rules immutable image tags on premise integration AWS Serverless Application Repository share apps privately with other orgas share publicly publish - make it available to others deploy AWS SAM Template = manifest file lambda integration

Amazon EKS Anywhere on premise EKS EKS Distro based Enterprise subscription control plane customer managed full lifecycle management Amazon ECS Anywhere ECS on premise no ELB support EXTERNAL launch type requires SSM agent and ECS agent on your server System Manager Managed instances complately managed

Loose coupling




AWS Gateway #serverless

AWS Batch

Amazon MQ

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)

Step Functions #serverless



Fargate #serverless

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Amazon EventBridge

Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)

AWS Serverless Application Repository

Amazon EKS Anywhere

Amazon ECS Anywhere

