AWS SAA-C03 - Networking

Posted by monikma, 29 April 2024.
Architecture AWS Cloud
Preparation for certification

Those are the notes I took during the Cloud Guru AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) course. Note that the course content changes as the AWS changes. The notes are from March-May 2024.

This section is about AWS Networking.

Table of contents

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) VPC default VPC per region, CIDR route table NACL subnets, within AZ Internet Gateway Amazon VPC IP Manager (IPAM), for CIDR, Three tier architecture No default subnets with new VPC AWS VPC Flow Logs VPC level Subnet level Network Interface level (ENI) send to S3 send to CloudWatch IAM role 5-15 minutes to show up CloudWatch metric filter from logs for alarm Athena queries to S3 default alarm period 1 minute NAT Gateway Network Address Translation sits in public subnet AWS->Internet stateful redundant inside AZ don't share across AZs has public IP ACL Lists before the subnet stateless custom ACL all disabled each subnet needs an ACL IP address blocking rule number lower number wins ephemeral ports for outbound VPC Endpoint keep inside AWS network interface endpoint, ENI gateway endpoint, S3, DynamoDB sits in private subnet adjust IAM permissions VPC Peering as if same network cross region cross account not transitive acceptor is accessing no CIDR overlap adjust route tables adjust security group Route53 DNS port 53 Top Level Domain (TLD) IANA controls TLD InterNIC, WHOIS database for under TLD Domain Registrars TLD => NS record authoritative DNS record NS record => SOA record A Record, domain name CNAME, another site version AWS Alias Record, also mapping hosted zone = domain record name = subdomain private hosted zones Route53 Routing Policies Simple, one with all IPs Weighted, % for records Failover, Secondary on HC fail Geolocation, IP location Geoproximity, with Traffic Flow and biases Latency, lowest in region Multivalue, random IP with HC AWS PrivateLink connect to thousands customers' VPCs you need LB they need ENI VPC VPN CloudHub connect many sites with VPN encrypted over Internet not expensive Direct Connect (DX) dedicated connection hosted connection via partner DX Locations, with AWS Cage and Customer Cage X-Connect = cable public & private VPC VPN over DX Transit Gateway connect VPCs central hub transitive IP multicast inter region inter account (with Resource Access Manager (RAM)) simplify topology route tables AWS Wavelength 5G endpoint low latency mobile edge computing

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

ELB Health checks


Provisioning custom VPC

AWS VPC Flow Logs

NAT Gateway

ACL Lists

VPC Endpoint

VPC Peering


Route53 routing policies

AWS PrivateLink

AWS VPN CloudHub

Direct Connect

Transit Gateway

AWS Wavelength

